From Your
Archetypal Journey
To Your Vertical Journey:

You didn’t come this far to remain stuck in life.
Here's the breakthrough you were hoping to find.

Atonist+ now offers you a fully personalised guidance package to spot and remove the invisible blocks to your spiritual or mental expansion.

Based on the profile info you provide, we will identify the hidden mindset patterns that are ruling you. Once your light & shadow patterns are discovered, we would find the matching self-therapy steps based on A Course in Miracles, to provide you with a fully personalised spiritual intelligence report.

Fill up the form below, Paypal the fees and hang on for 3 days. Your report will come with an Exclusively Personal Spiritual Progress Plan for you to follow for the next 30 days.

ACIM uses the term 'insane' 249 times. Such is the state of our existence in matter. We believe if we try our best, we can have a good, normal life. This is our ego hypnosis. We are run by mental patterns like trojan cookies. Unknowingly, they create mental resistances to your clearing practices. Unless we clean using the 'bottom up' practices with the help of our Holy Mind, we will remain as slaves of these programmes.

Exclusively Personal Report

First, we unveil your 'individual curriculum' based on your 'Mindset Pattern'. Then we create a 25-page fully personalised ACIM guidance for you.

We do not store your report unless you wish to upgrade this offering to our Private Mentoring Service based on these findings.

Our holistic analysis of your mental patterns will be topped by helpful recommendations based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles.

Total Privacy Assured
ACIM-Based Answers
"The curriculum is highly individualised.."
(ACIM, M-29.2:6)
Spot Your Learning Blocks

Erase your learning blocks by spotting your self-sabotage patterns. Clean up barrier beliefs , habitual shadows and emotional clutter.

Get specific guidance to your questions. You may also email your follow-up questions, if any. Plus, you can make a healing prayer request.

After enjoying your Personal Self-Discovery Report, you may upgrade to Private Mentoring Programme with an entitled 20% discount.

Specific Guidance For You
Private Mentoring Programme







Your Incredible Benefits!

Do You See The Advantage?

You Can Use The Archetype Of Your False Mind To Step Easier Into Your True Mind

The Horizontal World Of Shadows

In a separated state, we keep exploring the horizontal hologram of consciousness. Here, we make strange and shadowy figures and believe we are living among them. We thus suffer the dilemma of limitations here. Our core beliefs, unconscious fears, voids and values come from our archetype. These ego-shadow patterns run our life now.
[ Ref: ACIM, T-13.V.2:3 ]

The Levels We Are On

An archetype is a prototype grown in the field of egoic consciousness. It misleads us from our True Mind. Here is what we can do: Choose to receive direct help from our Holy Mind and make use of the archetype we made for us, to correct our journey from the bottom up. Thus we recognise our patterns, forgive, and move toward the vertical axis.
[ Ref: ACIM, T-1.VI.3:1-4 ]

Yes, this is a path of total reversal of our direction—from horizontal to vertical. Guided by our Holy Mind, we make use of all help to retrain our mind. Each small step we take toward our True Mind will clear a little of the darkness away. Soon, knowing will come to lighten our mind. Then, we will see another world that we have no words to describe.
[ Ref: ACIM, W-122.12:1; ACIM, W-9 ]

Meet Yourself Where You Are

Joshua Newton is an inspirer of inner change, visionary, mentor, empath, forgiveness coach, author, and wisdom guide. His guidance is rooted in 30 years of studies in personal development, New Thought, Advaita Vedanta and 12 years of living A Course in Miracles.

He has been coaching individuals seeking personalised spiritual solutions for the past eight years. Although Newton is a committed Course contemplative, for private mentoring, he utilises an eclectic approach to finding answers using various compatible modalities. This is helpful to guide the individual minds according to their level of openness and self-acceptance.

A Visionary Mentor

"Healing is holy. Nothing in the world is holier than helping one who asks for help."
[ ACIM, P-2.V.4:1-2 ]

Book Your Personal Self-Discovery Report!

Click on the Paypal button below.
Make the payment with a remark 'Self-Discovery Report' in the message space. Return to this page and fill up the form below.
You will get your report in your inbox in 3 days.

Real Price $399
Introductory Offer: $199
(50% Off)

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Click on the button above and
Paypal $199 to TheAtonist

Kindly return to this website and
fill up the form below accurately

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Self-Discovery Report

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