About Us

Turn In & Tune In

The Atonist is a secular spiritual wisdom that helps you to turn in and tune into your divine guidance for a truly happy life.

Let me tell you upfront. You are here because you have evolved. No one can force you here. You can step onto this level of training only if your life has taken you to this point of natural evolution. If it has, then you will be more than happy to allow your life happen to you.

Additionally, if you are that ripe, you will not want it any other way either.

"I heard one Voice because I understood that I could not atone for myself alone. Listening to one Voice implies the decision to share It
in order to hear It yourself."

[ A Course in Miracles, T-5.IV.4:1-2 ]

Okay, First,
We Need To Know
What Causes
Our Suffering?

Before timespace seemingly happened, our collective mind played with an idea of separation from its Divine Source. (Normally, not many humans come to access this information)

The pre-mind then deluded itself into believing that this actually happened. This gives birth to an unconscious sense of guilt. This delusional belief in separation and its guilt is called ego. This is the causeless cause of maya or the illusion of body/world. In short, guilt made our body-world.

Well, now you know why humans are filled with fears, judgments, limiting beliefs, self-defeating emotions and more. This is why all of us humans in this existence – good or bad, rich or poor, strong or weak – suffer. We experience this separation complex as a False Self.

But, we are the dreamer. So we can atone (correct our mind) by actively letting go of our beliefs in body & world (radically forgive), with the guidance of our Divine Self. Then, our ignorance begins to clear away. Thus, we come to see all our human experiences are simulated by our False Self.


"And truth came instantly,
to show you where your Self must be."

[ A Course in Miracles, ACIM, T-22.I.10:5 ]

We Examine
What Practice
Can Help Us To Liberate Us?

Most of the world's spiritual programmes try to change you, the person. This is like tying the oxen behind the cart.

We saw that the person is an ego-belief, a simulation in time-space. The person, the individual, is a myth. Whereas, YOU are real. (For instance, can't you choose to look at your personage? Does it not prove that you are not the person?)

Now, instead of trying to change this mythical person, we first choose to step out of our False Self. This is the real meditation. With training and practice, you can then step into your Real Self.

This is where you receive direct, immediate help and guidance from your Divine Self. This is your home of miracles.

This way, you do not try to change your 'person' or your 'world'. You cannot change the person while you believe you are the person. Rather, you can change your mind about who you are from your Real Self.

As you keep practising this Inner Shift, your forgiven, clearer mind will project a happier world for you.

Click on this diagram. It will help you understand more, if you need a visual aid for clarity.


Till you believe you are this False Self, the best practice is to know that you have a Real Self and then keep stepping into it.

The Real Self is the real you. The False Self is your body, your name, your nationality, your gender etc. It is just a simulation of your false mind. By stepping out of the False Self and stepping into the True Self, you can access your Divine Self Power.

But, as long as you are caught in your beliefs of your False Self, this will be nearly impossible. That's why you need to let go of concepts and ideas and beliefs you gathered in your 3-dimensional false self. This process is called Total Forgiveness by A Course in Miracles. Your beliefs are your anchor points. Keep releasing them one by one. Choose again to not to get attached to any of your emotional or existential judgments.

This way, you will recognise that you are actually the Real Self. All the powers of your Divine Self is accessed while you step in there. Deep meditations can get you there. But total forgiveness is the first step. Without releasing (forgiving) even your spiritual practices will keep falling by the wayside. So always keep asking for the help from your Divine Self.

The Atonist has several courses and direct mentoring sessions to help you guide in this process. The best way to begin would be by getting your Self-Discovery Report. It will show you your archetypal blocks. You are to know your shadows and heal them the help of your Divine Self.

What The Atonist provides you with is a simplified process for your total awakening. A process that you can follow step by step with active an guidance from your Divine Self.

Thank you very much for taking this info tour.

Keep Stepping Into Your Real Self With The Help Of Your Divine Self.

Joshua Newton

Founder, The Atonist

Joshua Newton left his career as a screenwriter and journalist to be a full-time student of A Course in Miracles.

Atonism™ is the final fruit of 35 years of socio-political, philosophical, psychological, and spiritual enquires of Joshua Newton. The Atonist Academy™ is founded on the astonishing, eye-opening, awakening teachings of A Course in Miracles.

He began studying ACIM in 2012. And when he had a series of direct experiences of 'no self' in 2015 and 2017 while living alone in Bangalore, Newton started looking at the ACIM teachings through nonduality (advaita) without the aid of its Christian/anthropomorphic terminology.

Eventually, that gave birth to Atonism. Which simply means 'correct your mind to be free of illusions'. Joshua has no interest in raising a movement. Or setting up a church or ashram around it. Or gaining followers. Or building a business organisation out of it. He spends his day correcting his mind by stepping into The Self whenever he can.

This website Atonist.Org, The Atonist Academy, and The Atonist Magazine came to life on their own to help him share the wisdom of The Self.
