Atone & Awake By
Divine Guidance.

I'm glad you are here. My name is Joshua Newton. I lead a life relying only on divine guidance in a small town in India with my family of three.

Many years ago, I was blessed with a copy of A Course in Miracles. I was also a student of the teachings of Sankaracharya, New Thought, Ramana Maharshi, and Joel Goldsmith.

Atonism is secular spiritual path inspired by these great lights in the dream. It is a system of divine living unfolded under the guidance of The Holy Mind.

My heaviest burden in life fell away when I stopped taking decisions for myself. An amazing portal opens up in us when we surrender ourselves to our inner guidance. If you are interested, I can tell you more.

A big, warm welcome..

What is Atonist/Atonism?

Atone means 'to make the correction'.
You can do that with the help of your Divine Self.
Just give your willingness. And you will begin to become aware of your False Self. Your human identity is a false self.
You will get full help in shifting your attention from this False Self (ego) to your Real Self (correction). The help is coming from your Divine Self (pure spirit). Please do not be confused by these terms. All words are just symbols. Just intuitively go by these clues. This guided method is founded on the teachings of
A Course in Miracles and Advaita Vedanta.

"I quit making a living and started living with divine help. May I show you how?"

Atone means 'to correct'.

For decades, I suffered lack and limitations in life. Only a few years ago, I discovered that this void of value in my archetype was in fact my private gift to myself. You may have your void staring at you as well. Here's the good news: Don't run from it. Don't be ashamed. Don't hide from it. There is nothing wrong with you. It is rather a gift. So, accept it first.

All voids are lessons. All voids are part of the script you wrote for you. This is why you cannot change the curriculum of your lifetime. You only have an illusion of change while you are in your False Self. Time-space is just a teaching device. So, we don't need to race ahead or feel bad if our efforts to fill our void are failing consistently. I made that mistake for many years. Most humans keep on trying to 'better' their false selves. This is an old 3-dimensional approach of our ego. Real answer does not work that way.

Quit your fight, flight or freeze responses. Stop struggling to have a 'better' life. Your False Self keeps on fooling you with such ideas. Instead, please start looking at your void with the help of your Divine Self. So that "we see that darkness is our own imagining".

One day, you will wake up and see that for centuries you were caught in a time-space warp trying to 'better' your life. You were always in the same False Self. The real answer is to awake! Don't worry. You won't lose a thing. Rather you have a real world, a real life to gain!

This is not a lottery win that happens to someone else. Every one of us can wake up. It needs some training and practice. With divine help, you can turn-in-and-tune-in for a vertical journey without distance to your Divine Source. This is the way to our freedom.

It is possible and it is practical.
Are you game?

Turn in & Tune in.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Yes, I like to live by divine guidance.

Hearing or reading about it is a great invitation. But, many students get tripped by their unconscious archetypal barriers. This happens when they turn a blind eye to their unacknowledged darkness. You have to accept your shadow and not try bypassing it.

I know what to do. I only need to turn within and pray.

And your prayers are always answered real time. Right at that very moment. Yet, how many of us are able to receive the answers? Are you able to 'lay aside the ego’s voice' as it seem to call out loudly? [ ACIM, W-106.1:1 ] As long as you believe you are the False Self (a person), you can keep praying and not access the answers. You need to make the shift to your Real Self (correction) to receive your answers.

So I can be be religious or non-religious to follow this..

Atonism is not teaching anything new to you. It is founded on the amazing teachings of A Course in Miracles and Advaita Vedanta. We follow the core teachings of freedom of mind. Atonism presents a 'science of being', not a religion. Because "..we need a many-faceted curriculum, not because of content differences, but because symbols must shift and change to suit the need." [ ACIM, M-23.7:5 ] We are clearly inspired to move beyond the anthropomorphic symbols of the past—including that of Christianity used in the Course. Words and symbols by themselves do not matter. We are here to heal our mind, not stay divided by any dogma. Not any more. Atonism focuses only on this: "I Am The One Self Of The Source."

Do you offer other teachings
as well?

While The Atonist Magazine serves the ACIM communities around the world faithfully maintaining the symbolism they prefer, The Atonist Academy has opened its doors to all. It aims to offer practical, helpful short audio courses based on ACIM as well as on schools of perennial wisdom. Atonism is a secular spiritual wisdom that helps us correct our delusions to wake up.

How do I make this 'shift'?

You cannot do that on your own. But you have full help from your Divine Self. Anytime and at all times! How will you drive a vehicle without learning how to drive? Some primary learning and training are needed here. The Divine Shift we are talking about can be made by first accepting what you made: False Self. All the problems you gifted you are to be accepted first. Accept and allow them. Don't worry, the Divine Self will keep clearing your fears. Then, you will recognise that you are not this False Self. And further you will realise that you do not need to 'go' to your Real Self, because you are always that! It only requires your full recognition. Please know that this is a highly intuitive journey. Don't take it all literally. Actually, we are all already safe as One in our Divine Source. But these are baby steps to have that full realisation.

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